How it


We obsessively curate boxes

Our team does all the heavy lifting. We tirelessly research and test products to determine which are the real deal (and you need) and which are a hard pass.

We whittle it down to 10-12 amazing and seasonally relevant items (eg. think sunscreen in the summer) then package them up in a fun-to-receive box.

You subscribe

When you subscribe the only decision you have to make is where you want your box shipped and how often you want to pay.

All our plans auto-renew at the end of the period, but you can easily cancel at any time. We won’t take it personally.

Your first box ships immediately

Your first box will be our latest and greatest subscription box and you’ll get it with zero waiting around.

Our team sprints around the warehouse and is proud to say 95% of orders are shipped within 1-business day.

Your bi-monthly running party begins

From there on out, a running party will be arriving on your doorstep every 2 months, e.g. if your initial order was placed on May 15th, your next boxes will ship on July 15th, September 15th and so on.

If you get tired of partying, you can cancel anytime but why would you want to?

Frequently Asked


Still Have Questions?View our FAQs for more info on the nitty-gritty details.
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