The RiderBox

Gift Card

Make the box extra special. Add seasonal gift wrapping to the gift box!

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Sale price$5.00

* Please note: gift boxes are changing constantly due to inventory on hand and expiration dates and the image does not resemble the exact products you will be receiving in your box.

Rider Testimonials Placeholder

Happy Athletes

I don’t know anything about running or bikes so I always struggle to find gifts for the Ironman in my life. THANK YOU RiderBox for making me look like I know what I’m doing with the Holiday Box.

Amy Wang

After a small hiccup of forgetting my husband's big day, RiderBox came to the rescue with their gift card. I got it that morning, printed the PDF and just like that became the most thoughtful wife of the day.

Anika Singh

I was a little disappointed when the box arrived and one of the recovery powder exploded inside my box, but customer service at The RiderBox was outstanding. They got back to me in a timely manner and didn’t hesitate to send me a replacement product.

Annie Carl

My girlfriend signed up for a charity ride and the Rider Gift Box brought tons of motivation and helped her rider farther and faster than she ever expected she could! I’m so proud.

Anothony DeMartini

My girlfriend signed up for a charity ride and the Rider Gift Subscription brought tons of motivation and helped her rider farther and faster than she ever expected she could! I’m so proud.

Anthony DeMartini

My boyfriend loves this box. The motivational goodies in each box are like a personal cheer squad. It's not just a subscription; it's a confidence booster and a game-changer for any runner. So proud of his achievements!

Ava S.

The RunnerBox is so fun and useful! Getting a new box is like opening presents on Christmas:) I love being able to try new, high quality products that I have never heard of or have been afraid to try.

Becca S

Every year I buy my wife flowers for our anniversary but this year I wanted to go with something more personal, so I bought her the Rider Gift Box; She absolutely loved it!

Biff Stephens

We live in a rural area with not many running stores around and my mom has to drive 40 miles to the closest health food store to buy sports nutrition, so I got my mom a gift card for a subscription to the RunnerBox and they delivered everything she needs right to our door every other month!

Billy Williams

I don’t know anything about running but really wanted to find a good birthday gift for my favorite runner. I put my trust in The RunnerBox and it paid off! The folks at RunnerBox sure seem to know what runners love because the Birthday Box was a hit.

Brian Hamlinson

My whole family is athletes so I ordered Holiday Boxes and crammed all the products into their stockings! If you follow my lead, make sure you have some big stockings. Ho ho ho!

Carlos Alzate

Shouldn’t having an expert personal shopper cost more? I’m told the items in this box were awesome and totally new to the recipient.

Carrie Simpson

We do secret santa at my office and my draw was a runner. We had a $50 limit for the gift so I bought the Holiday Box and when I gave it to them they couldn’t believe I stayed within the limit. What an amazing value!

Charlie McKenzie

This is the easiest gift I’ve even given. I’ll definitely be back.

Chris H.

The Holiday Box made being an athlete around the holidays easy! I wasn’t tempted by gingerbread cookies anymore after the folks at RiderBox introduced me to all of these festive treats. Now I don’t feel like I have to miss out.

Chris Kline

My partner got into running during the pandemic and since I don’t run I wasn’t sure how to support their new hobby. That is until I found The RunnerBox. The Gift Box was the perfect way to not only be encouraging but actually give them something useful.

Cindy Martin

Bought a gift card from The RunnerBox as a prize for our company fitness challenge. I’ve never seen my employees so motivated.

Claudia Zimmerman

My friends knew nothing about cycling and I never knew what to tell them to get me for my birthday, that is, until I found out about The Rider Birthday Box. It’s everything I could want and I’m not stuck getting random cycling stuff I won’t use. I love it!

Courtney Jones

I bought a gift card for a subscription to the RunnerBox so our son would think of us every time they’re delivered over the next year! What other gift keeps on giving for a whole year?

Dane Kline

My brother was diagnosed with diabetes last winter, and cycling saved his life. The Birthday box not only included items to fuel his rides but healthy snacks that didn’t spike his blood sugar. This gift was truly a lifesaver.

Darcy Fox

I’ve always bought my wife flowers for our anniversary but this year I wanted to go with something more personal, so I bought her the Runner Gift Box; She loved it!

Don Jordan

Satisfied with the Birthday Box. Presentation was awesome but I wish all of the items were gluten-free.

Ebony Smith

I tried bike shops, I tried online cycling retailers but just couldn’t find the right thing for the biker boy in my life. Then I read about the RiderBox. The Holiday Box was the absolute perfect Christmas gift for him.

Emily Haas

The RiderBox subscription took all the stress out of gift giving for my husband. It’s the one gift that brings him joy all year round.

Emma Wheeler

Choosing the right gift is so stressful, this gift box completely eliminates the stress of picking something out from the store.

Enrique Martinez

Kudos to the team for creating a gift that truly understands cyclists' needs because I sure didn’t. What a weight off my shoulders when I found this box.

Eric Anderson

The perfect gift for a cyclist! The Gift Box contained tons of useful products that my friend never would have found on her own. It’s not just the products in the box, but the expertise behind choosing each one.

Eric Porter

The perfect gift for runner! The Gift Box contained tons of useful products that my friend never would have found on her own. It’s not just the products in the box, but the expertise behind choosing each one.

Eric Tanner

I hate standing in line and rushing around stores looking for the right gift. Buying the Holiday Box made my life easy and eliminated all anxiety.

Erica Thompson

The Runner's Box delivered items my friend never knew she needed. She facetimes me every time it arrives and the excitement on her face is priceless

Ethan Parker

This box is so fun! I love The RunnerBox subscription because it’s a great way to try new products without spending a lot of money. These products are something you’ll add to your regular routine. Highly recommend trying!!

Evelyn Darbut

I love discovering new products to enhance my training and racing. So many things I never knew I needed and now can’t live without! They cover all the bases.

Florence Howden

The RunnerBox should be on every runners’ must have list. It's worth the hype. Trust me.

Gelcys Castaneda

Watching your favorite runner open the Holiday Box was incredible. The whole presentation was so elegant, festive and fun! This box defied expectations.

George Luther

I am OBSESSED with my RunnerBox. There are also always great quality items, you definitely get lots of bang for your buck. I’d be lost without my boxes!

Giselle G

Navigating my partner's newfound passion for running was made easier by The RunnersBox. I feel like I'm part of their journey, thanks to this amazing box

Grace P.

I won Christmas with The Rider Box. I know nothing about cycling, but my boyfriend loved it!

Hannah Martinez

Unbelievable value! This subscription box is a goldmine of top-quality running essentials. Highly recommend!

Isabella Rodriguez

10/10 would recommend. Bought this as a gift for a triathlete so they could choose between a Runner or RiderBox. Easiest gift ever.

Jake Lambert

I really wanted to get someone a RiderBox subscription but it was a surprise so I couldn't ask their address, a gift card was the perfect solution!

James Hartner

I’m a last-minute shopper, which can be really stressful. Ordering from the Holiday Box from the RiderBox was a really pleasant experience though. My order shipped the same day and there was tracking info in my inbox within hours. I had to pay for expedited but it arrived just in time!

Jamie Hudson

My wife runs marathons and was so bored of eating the same bars and gels they sell at the local running store. I bought her one of these boxes for her 50th birthday so she could try some new items and now she has items she’s actually excited to eat.

Jamie Lind

The RiderBox is a must have for any cyclist, a total game changer and motivation booster.

Jamie Ritchie

My son is obsessed with running and his birthday is right after Christmas so I took a chance and doubled down on the RunnerBox. I bought him a Holiday Box for Christmas and a Gift Subscription for his birthday. Each box was totally unique and I did all my shopping in just a few clicks of the mouse.

Jason Haussler

My girlfriend is serious about riding and serious about what she eats. All the items in the Holiday Box were top-notch and perfect for a serious athlete!

Jason Schneider

I ordered the Holiday Box for my favorite runner, who lives on the other side of the country. The whole process was so easy. I was blown away and so was my friend when she received it.

Jean Dickson

I bought the Holiday Box for my cycling coach as a token of my appreciation, and they absolutely loved every last item!

Jennifer Hanson

Shouldn’t having an expert personal shopper cost more? I’m told the items in this box were awesome and totally new to the recipient.

Jenny Martin

My husband is really into riding with his friends but was so bored of eating the same bars and gels they sell at the local bike shop. I bought him one of these boxes for his 50th birthday so he could try some new items and now he has items he’s actually excited to eat.

Jessica Simpson

Bought a gift card from The RunnerBox as a prize for our company fitness challenge. I’ve never seen my employees so motivated.

Jill Harris

Gift Card Info

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